One of the things I noticed about being a government employee is that the IRS knows everything you are doing with your money. You can’t...
Let me make one thing clear: I like the TSP. I have been in the TSP since 1991 and had no intention on leaving. I thought all the...
Tip Of The Month: Don’t Worry About Your TSP. It will be fine!
In our last Tip of the Month, I tried to give people some ideas about different adjustments to your TSP that could help you decide how to...
Tip of the Month: New TSP Ideas to Consider
After a year examining what affect the Covid had on the TSP, I have realized some new ideas. Unfortunately it took such a sad event like...
TIP: TSP Survival under the Corona Virus
I use the word "Survival" because that is the condition the TSP is in now. Thousands of Federal workers are trying to figure out what to...
This information is especially important for you to think about as you get closer to retirement. The first thing to remember as you get...
TIP: Emotional Rescue for Your TSP
Now that the Stock Market looks like it is doing better than the last 3 months of 2018, I suspect everyone is going to go back to their...
TIP: Transition to the BRS is over!
This episode is for the military men and women who had to make a choice before December 31, 2018. Do you stay in the regular military...
TIP: What Happened in October?
Did a market downturn that was going to happen around 2020 actually start in October 2018? The answer is maybe. Not what you wanted to...
TIP: What about the Roth TSP?
I must admit when the Roth TSP first showed up in 2012, I didn’t pay it much attention. I was really focused on getting those tax breaks...